designed to lead to
lasting and sustainable
behavioural change
Our personal development and resilience training programme enables individuals to make long-term, sustainable changes to behaviour.
Evidence-based, ThinkWarrior provides practical strategies, tools, and techniques to enhance emotional intelligence and increase personal resilience and empowerment. This enables individuals to better handle stress, manage conflict, and find perspective.
We educate and develop people to increase their engagement and optimise their potential.
We build resilience and empower individuals to create strategies to overcome their challenges.
We enable employees currently absent from work to create healthy, empowered outcomes.
We support and empower employees, at every stage of career and life, through each set of circumstances.
Evidence Based
Our rigorous evaluation and Randomised Controlled Trial evidence the unique value and importance of the Programme in supporting individuals to make lasting psychological change.
Programme Manager
“The pressure to deliver results left me feeling overwhelmed and doubting my abilities. ThinkWarrior’s program helped me gain clarity on my strengths, allowing me to navigate challenges with confidence. The impact on both my professional and personal life has been profound, and I’m now better equipped to handle stress and maintain a healthier work-life balance.”
Case Worker
“The demands of working in a support role over the last few years have been challenging and have led to me feeling burnt out and anxious. ThinkWarrior’s program was a lifeline, offering practical strategies to navigate stress. The experience has been intense and immediate, providing me with renewed energy and insight. I’m now better aligned with my career, enjoying improved work-life balance and a newfound sense of purpose.”
Human Resources
“I have been exploring different methods of self-development for the last fifteen years. I have trained in a variety of coaching techniques up to train the trainer level and it is only since attending Warrior that I have truly understood the depth of impact they can have. I thought I had worked on myself and dealt with my insecurities and now I know that I have.”